Croft Hall Wellbeing Team
The Wellbeing Team is here to talk about non-medical issues affecting your life and your wellbeing. This could be wanting to get out and about in the community more, wanting to be more physically active, having some signposting to help with housing and finance, or having an opportunity to make goals to address stress in your life.
We're a small team of Health & Wellbeing Coaches, Care Co-Ordinators, and Occupational Therapists that aim to empower you to take control of your wellbeing and your health. We do this by building your confidence and motivation levels, supporting your goals, helping to integrate healthy behaviours into your routine, and providing signposting to local services to help you get the support you need longer-term. Our goal is to reduce Health Inequalities by supporting the local community and introducing more accessible, personalised, and preventative care.
While we do talk about aspects of your mental health and how it affects your wellbeing, this service is not a counselling service. Counselling addresses mental health issues in depth, while coaching helps individuals work towards specific goals. If you feel you would benefit from talking about your mental health and how it's impacting your life in detail, there are services available to find support. Please contact TalkWorks, StepOne, Shekinah, or DPT Resources.
You do not need a GP appointment to be referred. You can contact the reception team or other staff at the practice to be referred in, or complete an e-consult on the surgery website to ask for a referral. Please be clear on what your goals are for coaching and what a successful outcome would look like for you to enable the referral form to be completed effectively.
What can you help with?
- Isolation/loneliness
- Connecting with community and peer support
- Low mood
- Lifestyle changes
- Work/life stress
- Exercise and more movement
- Learning and employment signposting
- Finances/housing/debt signposting
- Developing a healthy routine
- Goal-setting surrounding the management of long-term health conditions
What can I expect?
- A non-judgmental, flexible, and approachable service that works around you
- 4 to 6 appointments via telephone, video call, or in-person
- A chance to explore what matters to you
- Goal-setting and coaching support
- Localised knowledge and advice
- Direct email contact for information sharing
- Working in a collaborative partnership with the coach/OT you have appointments with
- Signposting and information to support your health goals after your appointments have finished
Unfortunately, this service would not be a good fit for you if:
- You are under 18 years old
- You have a diagnosed mental health condition that is severely impacting your day-to-day living
- You are already receiving support from care support workers, or a specialist mental health service
- You are house-bound
- You are on end-of-life care
- You don't feel ready to make changes at this time - we cannot help you unless you are ready to help yourself
- You are in a mental health crisis – if you feel you need an urgent response please contact the First Response Service on 0808 196 8708, Mental Health Matters on 0800 4700 317, or NHS 111.